The hat above and below are classic Trappers. This is the type I wear.
However, I may change it up. The fair isle trappers are a fresh take and reasonably priced at American Eagle. Too. Cute!
This navy one is unisex cool.
This fair isle is soft and feminine.
How happy is this? Fun and functional. I'm all for it.
And these, they look cozy, bright and clean

I think I'm getting a new Trapper, just not sure which one...
What do you think?
I like the pastel feminine one, but the top one looks super warm. I love to be warm. I would be a gonner though, cause I have curly hair! (Unless , of course I straightened it). LOL
My hair is nice and straight so the trapper hats are fine for me. I think hat #5 would be really cute on me! Don't have one, but really could use one. Just broke down and bought super warm snow pants and super warm gloves... it has been so cold here!!! Dogs have not had a walk in about a week.
I like the classic best... but they are all fun.
I like them all! I tried a couple on when home in Utah and Kate kept shaking her head NO. I'm kicking my self now cause its so cold and I can't find them here!
Hi me again! I put a supplemental Comment to you in the dog diaper post...... :) xo
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