I think that nothing is prettier than some shade of pink lipstick. I think everyone, and every skin type can find a shade of pink that makes them look wonderful.
I like wearing pink lipstick when I am wearing clothes in browns, grays, or pastels.
I don't look right when I wear black though... I feel as I look like one of the Go Go's, ( you know, the band from the 80's)
Of these four lipstick colors, which would you choose?
#3 works for me.
#2 for me Pretty color!
I like 1 or 2!!
I like one or three.
I really like number one, what is it???
In my younger years I would have said 2, but 3 is my choice for today. They all look so pretty! Just to look at all the shades of pink adds a smile to my day- Thanks. xoxo
I like the first 3, #1 being my favorite.
You all are good sports to indulge my questionnaires!
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