If you like classic bags that last forever, are virtually indestructible, easily wash off, come in pretty colors and are French. You would like these bags.
I do.
I would warn you that because of the material these bags are made of and because of the lack of leather- these bags are easily knocked off.
So, be careful buying on eBay or the streets of NYC.
A couple of years ago I was able to buy the smaller Longchamp for $6 each from a legitimate wholesaler. It was almost impossible to tell the difference, except the horse had a slight variation.
There is an amazing Longchamp outlet over the New York State border at Woodbury Commons that I like to go to and I usually do well there.
Right now I am thinking that I may need a pastel Herve Chapelier for Spring and my brown longchamp is just right for winter.
Do you like these bags?
The Longchamp bag is now the "it" bag among the college girls here. They've thrown their sorority Vineyard Vines totes to the wayside, at least until spring.
I'm boring, I tend to stick to the same thing and have been carrying the same Lands' End tote bag forever.
I agree with Mom on the run-I see the Longchamp all over campus. I use my Herve for work. You can never have too many totes though!
I am a lover of Longchamp....Great bags.
MOTR, I can top that, I used a "vintage" Vera Bradley until my daughters did an intervention!
Kate, I am with you on the totes, never can have too many. Do the girls at your school like the scout bags? I hear they are very big down south. I sell them, but mostly when I am down in Maryland, they haven't caught on as much up here.
Misty, I love Longchamp too. A true classic.
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