My oldest son took a new job this week. He had only been at his very first job for a year and a half. Being that he works in finance and this very shaky economy, it seemed very brave. Especially if you consider that he joined a start-up in wealth management, in New York City during very tumultuous times...
But then I am reminded that when he first went to college he went to Stanford to play baseball with very high hopes and a scholarship. They say, (who are they anyway?) that if you have a scholarship you have guaranteed playing time. This did not happen. By the end of his sophomore year he knew he had to leave if he wanted to play.
So, he transferred to UPenn. Yup, gave up his scholarship as there are no athletic scholarships at Penn. he missed Stanford, his teammates, roommates and friends. Oh, and the weather...he really missed the weather.
But, he survived and did well. He played.
A lot.
His senior year he was selected to be one of the captains of his team. he also decided that he wasn't going to pursue his dream of playing professionally. He graduated and went to work.
And, I am quite sure that the lesson that he learned from his college experience will be applied to his job experience. That there may be disappointments and frustrations, but as long as you persevere and remain flexible- looking for opportunity, success will follow.
So far, so good.
Wise words. Great post.
Neat to learn more about your son. I'm glad to hear "so far, so good".
I seconded Ina wise words! He is a hard worker and smart young man he will do well at anything he does.
The hardest part of parenting (for me) is sitting back and watching them make their own decisions. There is a part of me that wants to hold their hands forever.
I have always been one that presented them with all the options then let them decide...so far, so good here too.
Is there a time when we will ever quit worrying (silently) about them?
Thanks ladies. I do want you to know that it was not a smooth ride for us as parents. Like OHN said, the worrying can consume you. Now I try to trust in God and they way we raised him and the rest of our children. Not always easy to do... But we try!
Thanks again for your kind words!
And, Yes Aunt Kathy, ( I know You aren't biased!) but I agree-he is a hard worker. I wish he would find a nice girl!!!!
We are getting ready to watch J1 try to figure out what to do with her life. It's so hard to step back...DOTR is busy setting up "exploratory interviews" with all his contacts, but what she really wants to do deep in her heart is go somewhere and speak French all day.
I guess we'll see how much she's "grown up" soon.
And BTW, he is so darn cute.
I am sure he will do great at anything he puts his mind too! Wish him luck! xo Mar
I'm guessing he has a great foundation to be the person he is today. My hat goes off to you and your husband- great job! xox
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