Monday, January 19, 2009

Selfless Souls

Today I was thinking about 
Martin Luther King- a lot. 
I was thinking about our new president's call to service to recognize the day. 

I read a blog that suggested ways to be of service, small ways. Gather unused clothing to donate or give blood.  
By that I was  reminded of Saint Theresa, a saint recognized and beloved by Catholics because of her ordinariness,  her "little ways" to holiness.

And then, because this is how my mind works, (random thoughts jumbled together!) I thought of Mother Theresa, her work and her selflessness. 
And then I was back to Martin Luther King, his work and his selflessness.
Selfless Souls.


Ina in Alaska said...

Very insplring. Hugs from Alaska!

Formerly known as Frau said...

We should all take a page from their book and be more selfless.
I welcome Obama for the hope he represents for so many. Not an easy job ahead.

Joyce said...

A WONDERFUL post! xoxo