Martin Luther King- a lot.
I was thinking about our new president's call to service to recognize the day.
I read a blog that suggested ways to be of service, small ways. Gather unused clothing to donate or give blood.
By that I was reminded of Saint Theresa, a saint recognized and beloved by Catholics because of her ordinariness, her "little ways" to holiness.
And then, because this is how my mind works, (random thoughts jumbled together!) I thought of Mother Theresa, her work and her selflessness.
And then I was back to Martin Luther King, his work and his selflessness.
Selfless Souls.
Selfless Souls.
Very insplring. Hugs from Alaska!
We should all take a page from their book and be more selfless.
I welcome Obama for the hope he represents for so many. Not an easy job ahead.
A WONDERFUL post! xoxo
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