My kids are obsessed with facebook. That is where they get their social information, invitations, announcements, pronouncements, you name it. On the other hand I've heard more than once that "facebook ruins lives" as only a teenager can dramatize.
The ways this can happen? A picture posted on a wall that proves that you weren't where you said you'd be. Or a picture of a girl kissing a boy-who isn't her boyfriend. Busted! Or posts similar to drunk dialing that your entire network saw before you sobered up and were able to delete it.
How about teachers, coaches, and parents, catching sight of red cups and other indications of partying in pictures of underage students? Or future employers getting the wrong idea, (or maybe the right idea) of a potential hire?
I'm on facebook.
Not a lot.
It hasn't grabbed me like it has embraced my kids and doesn't do for me like blogging does.
It might be my age. I hear about all these thirty somethings reconnecting with old classmates, teachers, neighbors, and friends.
I've tried, they aren't there yet. My age group isn't as computer savvy or computer dependent or addicted as in my case :)
I'm not that old, I just think I'm on the cusp of the phenomenon.
So for now or always you can find me here blogging. But just in case, there I'll be on facebook too.
Waiting for my friends to catch up.
I have heard of facebook, but don't know much about it. I'm sure in time I will dip my toe into it, for now I like blogging. Oh dear... to even think of another place to visit on the computer! EEKS I think I need to work FT. LOL...
I didn't know the extend of what kids can do with this site. A little scary.
Enjoy your day!
My kids don't want me on it, but I did sign up but haven't set up my profile yet. Not sure if I will.
We had a huge thing happen with some neighborhood girls over a picture of somebody kissing somebody's old boyfriend on the cheek in a picture that ended up with an ambush, a fist fight and reform school. (of course, this girl has always been unbalanced and her mother clueless, but still.....)
I think that they're so used to living their lives online that they don't think twice. I've caught J3 doing stuff he wasn't supposed to be doing with startling regularity and he's just so dumb he can't figure out how I'm finding out. Bless his heart.
Kate and I just signed up everyone here and some in Utah are on it so she really likes it and I monitor it. Its like any new toy after awhile t gets old and not so shiney anymore.
I wish I could say that it gets old- but MY older kids have been doing this for almost three years!!
Frau thanks for the award I will be on your site to do my acceptance speech tonight.
I have to agree with you.... maybe 15 people I graduated high school with are on face book.... and of course my own 20 year old "refuses" to be his mother's friend.... I don't DARE ask him or any of his friends. I'm NEW to the world of blogging..., but think it's more my speed. AND yes, being in recruiting - it can be very damaging ... I tell my students "beware" no such thing as a secret on the WWW!
I have been forbidden by my 14, 18 and 20 year old from having a facebook page. To quote my 18 y/o...."The only adults that have facebooks are losers and actually kinda weird".
He doesn't know that I figured out how to get into his page ;)
Oh, I have the facebook bug. The only reason I'm on is because my class president wanted our class to be able to keep in touch for reunions. Well, that was last year. I had 12 friends all year. Now I have 52! Woo Hoo. It is addicting once your friends and family are on. I just figured out how to post pictures last night! Look out! Let me know if you want to be my "friend". Ha Ha Remember, I still haven't figured out yet how to make a blog....
I'm on Facebook but never check it so it's way out of date. I would rather blog.
I am a facebook snob. I stay in touch with who I want to and enjoy the blogging much much more. I also think it is hard to use.
I love fb, but am not obsessed (used to be though for the first month I joined). Friend me :) - I don't know your "real" name.
Im on FB too! I am not good with finding people so find me and all add ya!
Hey all of you!
Thanks for giving me your take on Facebook. I think it is universal that our kids do NOT want us on there and I think many of us have found creative ways/sneaky to see what our kids have on there.
We and they should know that if WE can find out what is on their wall so can others. Be careful what you put out there...
I didn't even address the bullying that can take place, mentioned by Mom on the run. Scary.
Like anything though, there is an upside. Another way to stay connected with people, I'm all for that.
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