So here's a secret, on purpose I have only had two glasses of red wine since New Years.
That is 22 days ago. But, who's counting?
I AM!!!
I hope I don't sound like an alcoholic because I don't think I am... Although, being so aware of how long it's been since I've had a glass of red might be suspicious.
Let me give you some back story.
You see, almost every night as I am making dinner I would have a ritual.
Picture this: 6 pm, kids doing homework, I am in the kitchen at the stove, dogs at my feet,
( when they were alive, but is is a nice picture, no?) I usually have some type of apple cinnamon candle burning, good music playing and- A glass of RED WINE.
It was something I looked forward to every night, kind of like my carrot for all the errands and driving I had done all day. And, it was a nice wind down.
However, the pounds have started to creep on over the last couple of years and though I know I can blame peri-menopause, calorie intake, too much time on the computer instead of up and down my stairs doing chores- I thought it might be interesting to see if eliminating that glass and occasional two glass of red would culminate in a thinner me.
So far, no. I haven't lost a pound, maybe because I am substituting (unconsciously) desert as a reward? Maybe, God forbid, because I have to continue this abstinence for a much longer time to see results?
I miss my wine!
Do you think that I was too rigid, that maybe I can still have my beloved ritual a few times a week?