She wasn't wearing a helmet...
Many beginners don't. It doesn't appear necessary as most beginners are on a bunny hill with barely an incline. You would think that is the least dangerous area of the resort.
But that is wrong.
A helmet is not just for experts or dare devils. Or to protect you from trees or collisions. A helmet is very necessary on a beginner slope because that is where the most mistakes regarding safety are made. Beginner snowboarders tend to forget to attach their leash and many a time an errant board comes hurtling down the hill, a VERY dangerous situation...especially if it were to hit a head. Beginners tend to be out of control and many have poles when they shouldn't, they become moving weapons as they speed done the hill unable to stop.
My thoughts and prayers are with Natasha Richardson and her family. I also pray that it become mandatory to wear helmets on any ski slope. A helmet may not have saved her from this injury...but we will never know.
Natasha Richardson has passed on, let's keep her family in our prayers during this difficult time. God bless her and them.
From what I understand it is likely she had a "whiplash" type brain injury, (similar to shaken baby syndrome) and even a helmet would not have made much difference as it is the rocking motion of the brain, not the impact, that causes this.
I do agree with you though, helmets are a very important tool to utilized with most sports.
Don't even get me started on the crazies that ride motorcycles w/o helmets....there is a reason why ER docs call them "donorcycles".
Great advice P2! I would never have thought a helmet would be necessary at this level of expertise. Always takes something like this for a wake-up call to put a law in place.
Thanks Preppy for sharing the caution of how serious it is to wear helmets. You're right, most people think because they're on a beginner hill that it's not always necessary., I'm all for the helmets! My prayers are with Natasha and her family...praying for a miracle. ~CC Catherine
I just read on MSNBC that she passed away.
I'm all for helmets too. I make my kids wear them; I need to do better by wearing one myself.
She died today how horribly sad is that........
I am really saddened by her death. I will probably do a post on her, as she was one of my favorite actresses.
My son always fought us on wearing a helmet, thinking he was an expert. Now, after today, he said he will never touch a slope without his helmet. One of his favorite movies was "Parent Trap", that she starred in with Dennis Quaid, so I guess it hit home with him too.
Very very sad.
I know! Isn't that sooo sad! Since I have been skiing all my life I have seen/been involved in many collisions/falls/injuries/etc ..and I have always worn a helmet! I feel totally unsafe without it, not that I'm a bad skier that needs one, just that you never know what up hill skier will become out of control! I hate to hear stories like this because I love skiing and I want people to enjoy it aswell, I hope this situation influences more beginner skiers so wear a helmet, we never know how that may have saved/helped her in her fall!
I was so upset by this news too. When we were just in Utah in Feb, I was still shocked to see how many people do not wear helmets! ITs so stupid! My heart breaks for her family and how she may still be alive had she worn a helmet! Forget vanity, just wear one!! Mary :)
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