I had
received this book for Christmas. I am a fan of nonfiction and was looking
forward to reading it on vacation. Interestingly, today on my favorite French blog,
Tralalere! she posted a link to a talk given by Dr. Taylor at a TED conference in California. It is an eighteen minute presentation.
If you want inspiration, motivation, and you have a belief in the inner spirit-
Oh and eighteen minutes! Please click
HERE.If you do- come back and let's compare notes. As usual, I have tears in my eyes.
I like reading like this too. Self-improvement, motivation, whatever it is called always is fascinating to me. I will check it out tonight. Thanks for sharing. :)
i like movitation books. i always have room for improvement. i will check this out later tonight. in the meantime sending you hugs... xoxo
Wow that was amazing! Tears and inspiring! Thanks for sharing.
i heard her on national public radio! fascinating....must go out and get the book!
Pink, let me know what you think! (Rhymes)
Joyce, I think you are very left brain as described by the Dr., do you?
Frau, I knew you would be amazed.
kks- I want to finally read it too.
Wow! Powerful insight and experience to have the two hemispheres of the brain demonstrate their very different powers.... the right brain's connection to the universe and the left to logic and detail. Also amazing that she survived the hemmorhage and experienced the damage intellectually! Interesting experience of dialing the phone!
Ina, I know, I was riveted.
Joyce- I meant the right brain :)
She was amazing. I can't believe she survived the damage either. What an insperation.
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