I have a favorite French website,
Tralalere! that posted a video story of a random act of kindness today. Within a minute I had tears streaming down my face... I was surprised at my reaction and have been trying to analyze it for the last hour.
I am wondering if it was the emotion of the storyteller that affected me, the story, maybe it's me! Here is the link:
Please view it and let me know what you think. Is it me, him, or the story?
I can't read it - ANYTHING sets me off these days - I tink when you are a mother you are just more in tune with your emotions (or something) - I even get welled up at adverts about homeless dogs, enough said!
It is the kid telling the story. I think if this were told by someone else, it would be a "nice" act. But, the event so obviously moved this kid, and it was evident that this is a life changing event for him.
As a mom of 3 sons, (that I know would do and have done similar things), it makes me feel so good, knowing that we have a wonderful generation of people coming along to replace us.
We hear too often about the horrid side of life, but when was the last time you saw a kid like this on the news? Not often, it doesn't make headlines, but it happens more than we know.
By the way, I am still recovering and this was mean to make me watch this when I am vulnerable :)
Oh that was a touching vidoe! I agree, it was the kid telling the story. I almost cried just watching HIM!
He was very moving and the fact he himself had very little and was willing to give. Really touching! I've got alittle German in me now takes alot to cry!
He's a typical guy using the F word and worrying that he did something wrong. Guys have such a hard time showing emotion and he just had that look that he was trying to keep it together. I hope his Mom has seen it. She will be so proud.
I was touched by the obvious care expressed by this compassionate young man and also shall add there were tears streaming down my face not only for the kindness this young man showed others but that he was raised by a caring Mom to care about other people.
Sometimes when I am at a drive up coffee stand I will give the barrista extra money to treat the car behind me as a random act of kindness........ I love to see the smile on the driver's face as I pull away..... xoxo Preppy have a wonderful weekend !!
wow, very powerful, i think a lot of the sentiment is because of the wonderful way this young man told his story, you could see how he felt in his expression, very sweet, i'm sure it took a lot for this man to reach out and ask for help.....there are many lesson in this story....
A very moving video and act of kindness. To see a young man with so little to reach out to help someone in need. His mom I'm sure is very proud of her son. I know I would be to know I have raised a kind and compassionate son. This melts my heart.
Ina I have done the same thing and with toll money etc. Oh the stories my dear love could tell about me... LOL...
One day when I use to bake for our local diner a woman from out of town came to make funeral arrangements for her mom and knew no one. She looked so sad and lost. As I was leaving, I handed money to one of the girls and said to pay for the woman's breakfast and if she asks, just say a friend in town who cares.
Thanks Prep for sharing. This is a great reminder their are some better and worse off than us. xoxo
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