Hmmm... What makes a preppy tennis player?
I don't think equipment does it or how well you play the game. I think it's all about style and in some cases where you play.
Regarding style, there is nothing like a preppy tennis racquet cover
to signal that preppy style.

To me it isn't the showy, ostentatious clubs that say preppy. It is the old, traditional, low key all about tennis type of place I love.
Have you ever been to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, Rhode Island?
Please see the beautiful old buildings with the grass courts pictured above.
That's what I'm talking about.
Gorgeous tennis courts! Have you ever played on grass?
No, but my friend Cathy's 50th birthday was held there- we had to miss it because we were at Stanford.
Lovely! But grass courts are not for me!! xo
OK..dumb nontennis person question here....does the ball bounce on grass? (I am picturing when I toss a ball to the dogs in the yard and can't imagine trying to hit it.
beautiful! i want to go there and stay there all summer
Those are beautiful tennis courts!
I've never played on grass.
There is the most amazing grass tennis club in our town, Sea Bright Lawn and Tennis...I'm sure you've heard of it.
Lots of my friends are members, and I need to get motivated and ask someone to sponsor me. It's so cool. Everyone wears white, they have tons of teams.
Tennis heaven.
Just found your blog today - very cool. LOVE Newport and the THOF! I was a stringer at the Hall of Fame Championships a few years ago - what an amazing week it was! I hope to go back to actually WATCH the matches and enjoy more of the festivities. :-)
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