Today is one of those rare, strange
Saturdays that we do not have a lot of running around to do...
And, I am almost paralyzed by the possibilities.
Seriously, I need structure. Without it I am capable of hanging around in sweats all day drifting from the morning paper, to my computer, to the phone, to my computer- you get the picture!
Because it is a bright, beautiful, sunny day I will not allow that to happen.
So my husband came down stairs a few minutes ago and asked if I want to go to yoga...
Not really. I am too lazy to go look for my yoga clothes, my hair isn't washed, ( too close of quarters in yoga not to have clean hair!) I have a million excuses and he leaves for class. I think he is disappointed and I feel guilty...
So, when he comes back I think I will surprise him and say, "let's go on a hike!" And, I will say it with TONS of enthusiasm, because going on a hike is one of his favorite activities. This way I will be out in the sunshine, not wasting the day away indoors. He will be happy. We both will benefit.
And, I won't have to wash my hair.