Being a child of the 60's/70's, Earth Day was a big thing for me growing up.
I was ten in 1970 on the first Earth day.
We lived in Seattle. I remember that before there became a public consciousness of our earth and pollution, it used to be perfectly acceptable to throw garbage out the window of a car or if you were walking down the street. It was normal to see garbage on the side of the road or on the highway.
Isn't that so hard to believe now?
I love that another word used for our Earth is Gaia, named after the Greek supreme goddess of earth.
Or that we refer to earth as "Mother Earth."
And I LOVE that Google, as usual reminded me to think about this today.
Happy Earth Day!
I think it will be a common "blog" today.... Celebrating our Planet Earth... I hope so!
Gorgeous header!! Love it!!
Happy Earth day to you too!
I love your header. I'm going to the nursery later to celebrate Earth day by picking up some dirt. xoxo
Thanks ladies! Enjoy the day!
hey, we are the same age! i'm sure you know that gaylord nelson started earthday and he is from wisconsin
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