Thursday, April 30, 2009
Garden State Horse Show

Are there no "normal" pics for this kid?
This is for Ina and all the rockers out there!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
I am almost back...
I have been having a great time reconnecting with aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, brothers-in-law and of course... my parents.
The party went off without a hitch and I think my parents loved it. We love them so much and wanted it to be perfect, but quickly realized that whatever we did... my parents would love.
I will be back home on Wed. and will post lots of pics, (only approved ones says the Frau.)
I have missed you all and have lots I want to talk about: swine flu, family, after party blues, spring fever, graduation, family and facebook... I could go on and on. I really am coming back refreshed and ready to write!
Also, just found out a cousin invented a site called elfster and it is genius! I really want to talk about that.
Plus, I can't wait to catch up and read all your blogs- I MISS YOU!
( INA, new respect for you, actually MORE respect for you. How did you blog while away from home and on your iphone no less?)
Talk to you on Wednesday :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Almost ready...

Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 20, 2009
Rain makes it that much sweeter.

Spring Daydreams of New Orleans

Sunday, April 19, 2009
50th anniversary party...

- Five sisters together for the first time in almost three years, maybe more.
- Arizona, we are all looking forward to some warm/hot weather.
- Doing something nice for our parents who have done so much for all of us.
- Seeing friends and extended family that we don't see often.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
If you had three wishes...

- Lose 20lbs.
- Magical facelift without surgery.
- Win lottery (of course I'd have to buy a ticket, never do.)
- Health and happiness to all.
- No more world hunger.
- No more war.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Book club selection...

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Susan Boyle- Britains Got Talent
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My spring/summer uniform

Photo Saboteur, alive and well!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Before Vera Bradley? Pierre Deux of course!
I am an unabashed francophile.
It's true.
I love anything and everything french, well maybe not their politics...
Anyway, before Vera Bradley there was and is, Pierre Deux.
A brief history of Pierre Deux:
"In 1967, a shop opened in Greenwich Village in New York City that would soon bring the beauty of French Country decor to America. The shop was opened by two men: Pierre Le Vec, an American of French background, and Pierre Moulin, a native Frenchman. Their passion for French art de vivre and the French country way of life drove them to establish Pierre Deux as a name synonymous with French Country décor in America."
"Their antique furniture imported from the provinces sold well, but the curtains, pillows and fabrics they used to accent the furniture sold spectacularly."
I have loved their handbags for years and actually owned many. Unfortunately they couldn't compete ( in my mind) with the many, many different designs offered by Vera Bradley. But now that Vera Bradley is a bit overdone, ( I think) I find myself coming full circle back to Pierre Deux. Especially since I'm thinking that my new kitchen (fingers crossed) will be a bit french country!

Game strategies... not what you think!

- Come with a blanket to sit on ( bleachers are hard cold, or wet) or an extra chair ( the chair is for when you MUST get away from the other fans so that you can swear and mutter)
- Bring coffee, gum and candy. (candy is for bribing the other fans so that they will like you even if they heard you swearing and muttering.)
- Come with the roster so that you can swear and mutter about the correct player who is taking your child's position leaving your child to wallow on the bench.
- Wear your school colors so that at least the other team will not think you are swearing and muttering about their child.
- Take a walk to stretch and get some exercise through out the game, deep breathing and thinking calm thoughts.
- DO NOT jump in air or give family members high fives when child is suddenly put in game- other fans will not like you and trust me, you did NOT bring enough candy to bribe them.
- Make sure that now that you are a cheering maniac, cheer for the other players as well and the other fans might forgive that tiny high five when your darling scored.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Scout bags, the largest selection, the best price- www.preppyplayer.com

Scout bags, including the four boys bag, the scout baguette, and the scout cooler bags are here!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Scout Bags? I have them!

Always be prepared!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What a nice day!