First, my husband makes the coffee, then he lights a fire. we put on Christmas music, and I light the oven to warm our breakfast casserole. I cut up fruit and lay out a buffet. and then, because we have heard stirring upstairs, we let the kids know that they can come to the stairs and then, like my father before me, I take the annual, bleary eyed, bad hair Christmas picture. We count to three and then the kids rush to the den to open their stockings while we have our coffee. That takes about twenty minutes. We don't rush.
Then we do another countdown and the kids go to the tree. There we begin the opening of gifts.
Our dining room is off of that room and people go between both room eating, drinking, and taking turns opening gifts, we really drag it out!
But, it is our tradition and if I dare suggest a change... huge resistance. What is your tradition?
We take that "picture on the stairs" picture every year too! Love the idea of making a fire first and turning on the oven.
Thanks for sharing your traditions! Neat how you get everything ready before the kids come down.. I would love to do that.
I grew up having all the festivities on Christmas Eve except for stockings on Christmas morning. My husband grew up with nothing on Christmas eve. We do a combination - big meal Christmas Eve; everything else Christmas. We're lucky if we get the coffee pot brewing before the little boys are into their stockings. We do stockings, take a break to eat, then do gifts. I don't cook on Christmas except breakfast.s
Mine so almost identical to yours except there is no breakfast casarole and fruit! Its my favorite tradition!
On Christmas morning we put on Johnny Mathis Christmas CDs & Ron makes to-order omelettes.
The music is really important on Christmas morn and I do believe we also have some Johnny Mathis playing along with Bing and the boys :)
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