This New York area, classic cookie is a favorite of mine. I wanted to tell you about them and in my research found a great amount of info on one blog/site. Rather than
plagiarizing, Go to:
I literally crave these cookies if I haven't had one in awhile. Now, if you are a fan of these cookies- I have a question.
Which side do you eat first?
Me? Vanilla.
I like them soft not chewy & with a glass of icy cold skim milk. Chocolate side first.
I knew that you, Ina, the true Jersey girl that you are
would know all about B&W's. I too like them soft and prefer the small ones. The classic large size is too big for one person and not enough for two!
Cold milk is the best, followed by strong coffee.
I have made them before from recipe online and they turned out so good, though it was hard to get chocolate side really dark. But I eat right down the middle so you get a taste of both.
P.S.Our local bakery in Germany ha Black and Whites they call it the Americana cookie...can't find coffeemate but we have B&W cookies!
I've never had a black and white cookie - I lOVE smitten kitchen and will check out your link! I would eat the vanilla side first.
I had one for the first time in NYC this fall. (Husband said it was a must have after all the bruhaha on seinfeld)...I took a bite out of the middle line first. After that I passed out and am assuming I ate the rest because I was covered in crumbs when I woke up.
Ok seriously I cannot even begin to tell you how much I heart these cookies! Every time someone heads to the Big Apple I put a request in to please bring me one back! I love them I am going to try my hardest and make some I usually can barely make the cookies that you just bake after slicing the dough. So wish me luck!!! I eat the chocolate side first cause I am very weird about chocolate there is only certain kind I eat. Im not really a fan of chocolate!
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