As I was going through pictures I remembered that Kevin is not the only holiday photo terrorist in our family. Oh no. Connor is a true master. As you can guess it is not easy rounding up a group of teens and younger for a group shot. So, we finally had them all together and Connor began his assault. His mother tried, we all tried to get him to stop. As you can see from the bottom photo
everyone was losing patience. Finally he tired of his
vicious game and we were able to get a nice shot. He is a little devil, but very cute:)
Can't wait til these boys are older and dating and you can whip out these photos for the girlfriends and the pay back begins!Hope you are slowing down and starting to enjoy the season!
He is so cute and funny!
What a good looking bunch!! Enjoy them while they are young!
Oh there will be so much payback for these two boys, we have a huge archive of their antics.
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