Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Random thoughts...

Why do I always rely on my husband to jump start a dead battery... when he is in Chicago... and won't be home for a few days?

I really DO need 8 hours of sleep EVERY night.

Real housewives of NJ is not as good as I thought it would be.

How come the extra weight I'm packing has settled in my midsection? 
Am I really a peri-menopause cliche?

I've been thinking about Nie Nie from the blog, the nie nie dialogues.

I wish I could freeze my children at the ages they are at this point in time, it is a wonderful time in our family life right now. Everyone is still young, yet independent. Still tied to our home and family, yet beginning to spread their wings.

I am suddenly obsessed with cleaning all the door handles, drawer pulls, and light switches. I wonder if this has anything to do with the FACT that Kevin just told me that the little girl who sits next to him in math and is two lockers away has swine FLU!!!!???

I am counting down the days until school gets out. read that however you want.


Ina in Alaska said...

I totally agree about the RHNJ Not good and Danielle (the divorced one).... YUCK. The producers should have picked entirely different women. But I do like Dina and she has a very unique cat!!! I like the way they all say "bubbies".

I am gathering flab around my midsection as well. Interesting phenomenon.

I think about Nie Nie too.


Ina in Alaska said...

OH PS I am trying to like Conan as the new Tonight Show host but so far am not overwhelmed.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I'm always thinking about Nie Nie..and lysol the hell out of your house! Have your son jump start the car! Have a great Thurday we have a week left of school !

Joyce said...

I too have been thinking and reading Nie Nie's blog. Truly an amzing woman.

Your husband is in my neck of the woods. If it is any consilation I do the same to my love all the time. LOL...

OK another consilation I too have some flab hanging around and won't leave, double bonus a not so pretty tummy after the nasty surgery. Thank goodness my husband is over 40 and doesn't have the eyes of a 20 yr old!

Have a golden day and enjoy the moment! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey sometimes its nice to rely on your husband for something - even when they rely on you for more ;) I'm with you on the 8 hours - but sometimes you just get used to going and going even when you are knackered, right?!!

Ronda said...

I agree with the Real Housewives.
I would LOVE to get 8 hours of sleep in a night. Never happens.
I too, would love to freeze my kids!
Yes, lysol the hell out of everything!

Caffeine Court said...

We have alot of cases of swine flu in our schools!!!

Scary stuff.

I have to admit that I'm looking forward to the big confrontation with Danielle on the next Real Housewives. I can't wait to see Teresa flip the table!!!