Sounds like a horror flick, right?
But in reality, as in reality TV, I do live near the NJ housewives. They live in Franklin lakes, NJ.
And, of course know people who know them, play tennis with, go to church with, blah, blah, blah.
But today... I was at Bloomingdale's with my Mom and daughter going through the racks of dresses when I realize that the infamous Danielle was also, right along side of me.
She was there with her daughters and an assistant or nanny.
And, both of us were trying to help our daughters find something great to wear for an event.
Ok, so what if their event was on a red carpet in NYC.
Either way, we were in the same boat, just a different destination.
Danielle is WAY too skinny. Girl needs to get some meat on her bones. She actually looks older than her 45 years because she is so skinny.
She was very nice and polite to saleswomen fawning over her.
She was really sweet with her daughters
They all were obviously VERY excited about whatever event they had to go to.
Her voice is very distinct, HEAVY Joisey accent. Does NOT represent the area that we live in, REALLY!
Her eldest daughter is stunning! She looks like she is 17 and she must be 5'10. She has definitely grown and matured since filming. I predict we will know more about her in the future. She was the one I noticed first as she was dressed beautifully and really had a presence.
I am left wondering what happened.
Well, they left to get their hair done and were coming back to get their clothes for the evening,
( See, a lot of people are last minute like me!)
However, there were freaky, torrential downpour storms in our area, traffic was backed up for hours.
I really doubt that they made it to their event on time.
Guaranteed she was late, hours late and will receive bad press for being a diva.
When I know ( and now you do) that it was the god awful weather.
So, that was my Joisey inside story!