So, you saw that I was recently interviewed on aol. That was fun and the reporter was great. Well get ready for another interview. This time it's a short couple of sentences in a column in the New York Times call Motherlode. I like how the reporter, Lisa Belkin writes and I am curious how she will use my short anecdotes . The topic is regarding how families adapt when the kids come home from college... and I think I know a thing or two about that! I gave her a couple of our more, shall we say, "funny" stories. I think it will be online this afternoon or Friday. I hope they use it!
Very cool. How did she find you?
Wow definately need an autograph now!
Hi Ina,
I am a registered reporter source.
Originally to bring my business web site up higher on search engines. But most want me to comment as a wife and mother. That's fine too.
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