I've taken many a photography class. One of my favorites was a studio portrait class, in that class I learned a lot about light.
My husband has a very angular face and is naturally photogenic, he made all my pics look good.
These photos are from the portrait class and I really like them.
These photos are reallly neat! Of course your model is very handsome too! Oh share some more of your pics- pretty please! You take great ones Prep. My face is constantly behind my lens my love says he is forgetting how I look without a camera. LOL...
Very good work Preppy. Thanks for sharing your favorite subject.
Lighting does make a huge difference. I want my husband to take a photography class too. He is so good at taking pictures and I think he would really enjoy a class.
You're pictures are wonderful! What a wonderful husband to sit still long enough for you to practice!
One of my secret desires is to chuck it all and travel the world taking photos with an outstanding camera.
But, alas, I am stuck here in the midwest, working my butt off, and spending time haunting blogs :)
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