Love, love, love this breed.
Highly intelligent, people pleasers with a laid back temperament.
They can't knock down small children, or jump up on counters, or get into garbage cans. their poo is miniature, VERY important.
They don't shed!
They live long lives and they are so CUTE!!!
Are you familiar with this breed?
Ut oh...sounds like the family is in the market for a dog...when "mama" starts posting the dog SHE likes...chances are good they'll be one in the home real soon!! I'm a solid Golden Retriever lover... big, hairy and loveable... but love them all!!
You are correct about Havanese, as they are fantastic dogs. I helped an Alaskan friend procure one from a reputable breeder in the lower 48and they are thrilled to death with little Lucy.
Wow how exciting!!! Very cute.
I have never heard of this breed, but it sure is cute!! Poop is very important, Stella's is like a little tootsie roll! You have to get one!
Very cute.....never heard of this breed before. So when are you getting a dog?
havanese are cute, like susan i love the hair and goofiness of the golden retriever!
good luck!
I would vote for the small pooper. We had a 130 lb Shepherd and he left ginormous landmines in the yard..it was AWFUL.
So are you going tomorrow to pick out your pup?? ;)
PS I respectfully suggest if you are going to get a Havanese that you look into rescuing one... I Googled Havanese Rescue NJ and found several.... the rescues typically are not problem dogs, but only need a better home than the one they came from, or else their owners died and the family did not keep the pet........ just a thought.... xo
I have heard of the Havanese before. They are a cutie of a dog. When should be plan the doggie shower? Oh I love a good party!!
Have a golden one my friend! xoxo
Fun site. Love! Come by an visit me anytime. www.socialclimbers.net xoxo
I must be clear that the dog is a "future" plan!
Ina, thanks for the research and I will DEFINITELY consider a rescue dog. Our cat was from a shelter and althought she was a littel...crazy, we were happy that we adopted.
Lucky will have a cousin!!! so cute looks like Beth's dogs
Bless you Preppy, and everyone who has an open heart to consider giving a homeless dog a chance to have a happy life in a loving home........xoxoxo
a havanese pup is a most excellent choice! great friends of mine have the most beautiful havenese ... you're so right ... they don't shed!!!
cheers, -paul
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