So, out of the blue the strangest thing happened!
I was playing in a platform tennis tournament on Thursday and had played one match came inside the paddle hut to have a bagel and coffee, that's it, went outside to begin another match.
All of a sudden my eyes began to itch, I thought I had something in my eye. Then I began to sneeze and get stuffed up and have the chills.
No other symptoms. My throat was fine. I knew I was having an allergic reaction but it didn't seem to be serious and I continued on.
Half way thru the match my partner noticed how swollen my eyes were and asked if I was alright, I said yes and we played on.
But, she really didn't say or remark on my appearance.
In fact, NO ONE did!

This was me as it was beginning, please notice much swelling around eyes and nose.

This, ( I swear!) was what I looked like at the height of my attack. ( Of course I played on!)

And this species is what I resembled when the swelling went down. Not one person remarked on it either!
By the way, we made it to the semi finals of the B division of The New Jersey State Platform Tennis Tournament tournament.
And, I still have not a clue as to what caused the reaction. I suspect mold or mildew in the Paddle hut.