Do you have a Brine Lax Wall in your yard, just over a year old that is already ripped and shredded?
You are not alone.
A lot of people are talking about it and they are not happy.
I gave a call to the Warrior owned Brine headquarters
( actually both owned by New Balance) today to see what's up.
Apparently you sillies should not leave it outdoors...
Hmmm, ok.
That's right, it should be brought indoors when not in use to protect it from the elements.
Gee, it's kinda heavy.
Well, alright- at least there is a warranty.
Oops. Just for one year though.
Cale, a nice guy from customer service, assured me that Brine is aware of the problem and that there will now be a replacement wall that you can attach to your existing frame.
But it won't be available until June, possibly later.
So beware or be aware that if you buy the Brine Lax Wall, count on dragging it in and out of the garage or shed after EVERY use or you could end up with a shredded wall before the season is even over!
Sorry to hear about the "brick" wall you had at the other end of the call. xoxo
Thanks Patty! That was actually a "possible" on our Christmas list. I think we will wait :)
Suggest that they put wheels on it like the portable basketball units. Sorry, hope it works out.
Not for outdoors? Sounds like a wee bit of a design flaw.
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