Seems great, no work or school the next day... perfect right? WRONG!!!
Talk about pressure!
There is no excuses to end the candy frenzy or the endless trick or treating. The teens have parties they HAVE to go to and the absolute worst? So do we. I am not creative or clever. it is tremendous pressure and with terrible anxiety that I even think about Halloween costumes for myself and my husband. And then there are the anti-Halloween parties, children not included. We have been invited to two fun parties. One is a pot luck with all our old neighborhood friends (empty nesters) and the other is another group of EN's at a wine tasting. Hmmm sounds good. But we aren't there yet. We still have younger kids, that would happen when your age range of kids is 24-12!! I don't think I want to be there yet anyway. Our younger two still want to be with us. Those of you with older kids (possible EN'S) understand and those of you with little ones? Well it sounds cliche, but it does go so fast-enjoy your children while you can :)
Anyway, we have decided to go to a big party that does include children, costumes optional.
I think you know what my option will be!
I love the idea of an anti-Halloween party :) I have to admit I hate dressing up but do it to make my wee boys happy.
We have a football game, so no trick or treat. This is the first year J4 won't be out.
I really hate Halloween. I don't like dressing up, I don't think it's fun and it's turned into a big hassle.
I NEVER go to adult parties, mainly because I am the world's biggest party pooper!
I am such a dud. A bunch of my friends got together to party (with kids) after trick or treating. I was in bed by 10:30.
Too pooped to party.
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