I am and I can tell some fellow bloggers are as well, ( I see the ad I was solicited with in their post.)
I have to say it bothers me a bit. I do like to post about products I actually use, love, admire, notice...
I don't like being used by manufacturers or businesses to shill their products when they aren't even sure if I am aware of said products.
Even if they did the right thing and sent me a sample or wrote a personal email (rather than the usual "preppy style" form email with 30 other names on the mailing list) I would feel duplicitous and manipulative in regard to the people that read my blog.
I am not holier than thou. If an amazing product came to my attention and I actually liked it, after receiving a sample of course, I would promote it!
Until then, when I receive unsolicited requests to promote products...
I will hit- delete.
What do you think?
I get them too, but haven't done anything with them. I'm too lazy to do giveaways and I don't have enough traffic to make a discount worth the retailers while, so it's not something I want to mess with. I have enough problems being witty and sparkling everyday! ha!
I totally agree with you and MOTR. I think if they send you a sample and you love it then why not promote it.
I think the same thing all the time. I very rarely post a discount and only if its one I plan to use too. I do giveaways if they offer and I like the product. But there have been several time companies have asked for me to do a write up, I've asked for a giveaway, and they declined so I did too. I just feel that is selfish to ask for free publicity on an uncommon product.
If I was sent a product I really loved then I would do it. If not then I dont need to use my blog as free advertising for a company.
I just got one of those last night. After a very quick google of the company, it was obvious they were less than stellar....so they were added to my spam folder.
Agreed! :)
Patty I'm glad you wrote this post. I get emails all the time and just yesterday some is trying to give away ugg boots and asked me to post about them and will give me $100! Wasn't sure if this was real or not, just like at home here I don't like putting my friends in akward situations I don't want to do this either to my blog friends.
Have a great weekend my friend! xoxo
This is such a good topic Miss Preppy, I'm glad you brought it up. I'm kind of hardcore on the topic, but that's because of 17 years in tv news as well as print and radio before that career.
I believe if someone is reviewing a product they were sent, as long as they say it was *a freebie in exchange for their doing a review* that's great. The problem comes when there's no disclosure of the conflict of interest on the part of the blogger, as well as the pressure to do positive reviews when the blogger may not feel positively at all about the product.
As far as doing discounts for retailers, we say "no thank you" because they almost always conflict with our own business and/or because it comes from a less-than-stellar-looking-company.
That's kind of long-winded... sorry. ;)
I get a few of these a day, and I am very careful as to which ones I select.
I would say I ignore 99% of them or send emails back saying thanks but no thanks.
My general rules are this:
1. I have to be compensated with a sample. I won't post or review anything I don't test first.
2. I either have to be one of the first people to do it or the only one. No need to bombard the blog world with the same product over and over.
3. I have to be allowed to write what I really think. If I hate it, I am going to say it...and I've done that.
I concur. With the exception of Lilly. They get a pass...XXOO
I get these too & considered it at first, but decided against it. I read (and LOVE) several blog that do this & have nothing against the practice....just wasn't interested. My blog is my creative outlet - and I do review books, products, movies, etc...but didn't want it turn into just that. Know what I mean?
Thank you for all your comments. Everyone that responded here are blogger whom I respect and I am not surprised by your answers :)
I have the same rules (pretty much) as Mrs. Newlywed. I hate when I do a giveaway or review and then the next day 5 other bloggers are posting the same thing! I will say I do promote certain companies I really like for free. Usually I think the company should offer a product, giveaway or discount. Free publicity is priceless!
If I got a sample of something I like I'd definitely promote it. So far it hasn't happened!! What am I doing wrong??? ;)
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