A true summer is finally here for us.
You know, lazy, hazy days with an open schedule.
Work is slow.
No sports or camps to ferry kids to.
We stay up late talking, eating, and watching TV.
We wake up late and leisurely eat breakfast, read the paper, lingering at the table.
We read. We surf the net. We swim. We play tennis. We nap.
It is a little strange for us, I can't lie.
Go, go, go is what we're use to, not slow, slow, slow.
But, I think we will survive. At least for the two more weeks that we are allowed.
Yup, two weeks.
Then we get busy again.
I can't believe two weeks and it's back to school time. this summer has flown by! enjoy your down time!
Two weeks....a perfect vacation :) (Hey..I have something I need to drop in the mail to you...is the address on the website a good place?)
Glad you are able to slow down and take it easy for a bit..
This weekend actually felt like summer HOT! I'm glad your was a relaxing one. xoxo
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