Dear J. CREW,
First off, I want you to know that I will always love you.
This isn't about you and me. Our relationship is intact.
Since I have known you for a long time, I feel confident that I can be real with you and tell you what's going on.
You have always been my go-to for everything.
Once again, it isn't just about me.
Although I can always, ALWAYS count on you for the men in my life and there isn't a time that I can't find something for myself or a friend, I have to say...
You've let me down.
I should say you've let my daughters down, down HARD!
Why have you abandoned your 14 to 20 year-old demographic?
Where and when is my 16 year-old going to wear...
pretty much anything out on the floor this season?
How and why would my 20 year-old college student spend...
way too much money on items of clothing that are WAY too dressy for college life?
( and trust me, she goes to a very preppy school that you WERE perfect for!)
My daughter and I just spent too many hours at one of the most profitable malls
( think Paramus, NJ) in the country searching for the perfect back to school outfit. I fought the crowds in Aeropostle, Hollister, and Charlotte Ruse,
( my skin was crawling.)
Finally, FINALLY I was able to talk my soon to be sophomore in high school into visiting my favorite place-
And it was-
No one was there.
Even JC Penny had more back-to-schoolers than you!
How is that possible?
My daughter humored me and said a couple of
"this is cute" and 'I might wear that"
before we finally left with..
Please, please go back to your roots.
Classic, preppy, sporty clothing.
I beg you.
Love always,