Colored lights on a tree or white? White. However I am starting to lean toward old-school, big bulb, colored lights. Next year will be different and more colorful!
Do you hang mistletoe? I should.
When do you put your decorations up? I start at Thanksgiving and usually finish within a week, not this year though. I delegated the village to my daughter and after a week of staring at wires showing all over and the fishing village mixed WITH the New England village...randomly, I've decided to redo it. Not too controlling, eh?
Also, I decided not to put out the bazillion nutcrackers we own, but to tastefully spread them throughout the house and some...ahem... "little elf" keeps adding nutcrackers everywhere so that somehow we DO have a bazillion nutcrackers out. I've decided the "little elf" can be in charge of putting them away after Christmas!
What is your favorite holiday dish? I love when we have a wonderful, old fashioned prime rib meal complete with potatoes, vegetables, rolls, all the fixings.
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We exchange gifts with my sisters and their families on Christmas eve. We meet after Mass, eat appetizers, drink champagne, play games and relax. Our most important tradition that evening is that all the children take turns making candy cane cookies that we bake to leave for Santa. ( those ARE Santa's fav cookies)
How do you decorate your Christmas tree? We have the white light thing going on (for the last year!) and our tree has no rhyme or reason, just ornaments that we have collected from our travels or gifted to one another and of course, EVERY ornament our children have made. funny, years ago those were the ornaments that I would put towards the back of the tree, now they are front and center.
Snow: love it or hate it? LOVE IT.
Can you ice skate? I can ice skate, complete with twirls that rival any ice capade. Seriously, people are shocked when they see me do it as it is... well...shocking!
What is your favorite holiday dessert? Cookies. Even for breakfast. But they have to be Christmas cookies, no Chocolate Chip as I can have that any old time.
What is your favorite holiday tradition? We love that we stay home all day Christmas, just us. We stay in our pajamas, read, nap watch movies together, play games, eat hor devourer's, drink champagne ( leftover from Christmas eve,) We eat a late Christmas dinner usually wearing our Christmas cracker hats and sometimes... our pajamas.
Candy canes: yum or yuck? Yum.
Favorite Christmas show? Two way tie. Frosty and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
Thanks to Ohn from http://only-half-nuts.blogspot.com/
I borrowed this meme as I have a wee bit of writer's block due to previous night's consumption of bailey's Irish creme...