Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jude Connally Dresses 2011/2012 not so much....

Remember when I recommended the Jude Connally dresses?
I was so excited to see if I could sell them at a huge lacrosse fundraiser, lax for the cure.
The fundraiser is so special, 4 thousand girls and their families!

I was sooo disappointed when I was told that they would not allow me sell them, that they wanted to save any of their merchandise for the high end boutiques that they are currently selling at.
Hey I understand that they have a business model that they would like to adhere to AND I realize that there is no way that they could comprehend how influential the demographic at Lax for the cure is for setting preppy trends...

However, you can only imagine how relieved I was when in speaking to my customers I found that...
they felt the Jude Connally dress line was:
1. Cut too short for older/middle age women
2. Too matronly for young women
3. too seasonal
4. pricey
5. didn't hold up over time.

Glad I found out as I was willing to place a 3,000 order!!!
Personally, I love my dresse. I like a shorter dress.

The good news was that I didn't waste my money.
Because I took the time to speak to my customers about the Jude Connally dresses I was able to get a lot of feedback, over and over again I heard about a new line that is very versatile, chic AND preppy.
And it was:
Judith March
 Game Day dresses

I am in love! I plan on putting in an order at the end of the month.
keep you posted :)


Paula@SweetPea said...

Glad that you found a cute new line of dresses to carry and that you didn't get stuck with a bunch of Jude Connally dresses that might not have sold at all.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Like them both!! Knowing who you are selling to is major glad you got it right! xo

kks said...

VERY cute! I like the other ones, but could be a bit matronly....
Things always work out in the end!