Friday, September 30, 2011

This Kid...

...went on a Confirmation retreat this past weekend.
He didn't go kicking and screaming like a couple of my older kids. But I could tell he was nervous and didn't know what to expect.

Although we go to church every week and he has gone to CCD every year, we wouldn't be considered holy rollers. We have a quiet, private faith. So, I wasn't sure how he would react to being imersed in a more intense, religious environment. I know how my other kids did, but each child is different.

One of the components of the retreat is that loved ones write letters to the confirmation candidates telling them how much they love them, why they love them and what they hope the retreat should accomplish.
This is usually everyone's favorite part of the retreat.

Let's face it, even though we know that our children know we love them- We probably don't say it as much as we should AND there is something wonderful about seeing it in writing. The letters are affirmations and confirmations of our love and hopes for them.

And what teenager doesn't need to hear that?

The impact of letters are incredible. Amongst the kids at the retreat there is usually a lot of tears (happiness) and hugs during the letter session. Some kids get a couple of letters, some get a lot.
A few of my kids have kept their letters from way back when...

My son, coming from a large family, had MANY letters. I loved what his siblings wrote to him! It gave me insight into their faith and their love for their brother and I know it meant so much to him.
I asked some of his aunts and a cousin to write to him and he loved their letters too.

My advice?

You don't have to have a kid making his or her confirmation to write letters of faith and love. I think that most people would appreciate it, but I think teenagers NEED it.


Kim said...

So true. Right now J4 is just so closed off, distant and downright nasty all the time. When he walks through a room desperately trying not to make eye contact and hoping we won't speak to him, I just want to grab him and hold him on my lap. We're going away for the weekend in a couple of weeks and it coincides with J1 being here for a wedding, so she's going to stay with him and says she wants to spend some time with him. They are probably the least connected of the kids, so I think this will be good for him.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I knew he would have a great time holy roller or not it's about being apart of something so special and knowing how special you are..
Katelyn loved her retreat and her letters still saved and mean a lot to her.

JMW said...

I recall my senior retreat in high school very well - I cried like a baby when they read the letter from my mom. Shew, that was an emotional few days. But, it was wonderful and I was so glad to have experienced such an incredible event. Sending prayers your son's way so that he's not nervous and gets the most possible out of every moment.

OHN said...

When our oldest was about 19 he was going through a rough time. His dad wrote him an emotional letter telling him how much he loved him and how proud he was. We thought that it likely wouldn't even be read by S1 because of his state of mind at the time.
Fast forward almost a year and S1's car was blocking the driveway so I went out to move it. The letter was there, in the drivers side door cubby and it had been opened. S1 was living with a bunch of guys so he probably didn't want to take the chance of it being found, yet he didn't throw it away. So, it obviously meant something to him, and his Dad was thrilled to know it hadn't been tossed into a dumpster.
We have a rule in our family to never leave anything unsaid. Life is fragile and none of us ever want to say "I should have told him/her".